Beautiful flowers by 플로리스트(Florist) Magda Indigo

2018. 9. 22. 18:58카테고리 없음

   Love Is the Sweetest Odor   
White Lily 백합 All that beauty! Yellow dusted lily Wall Art Magda Indigo A cactus flower 극락조화 Bird of Paradise Dandelion seed head 히야신스 Hyacinth Tulips & Hyacinth LIVING ART NOUVEAU, the yellow tulips by Magda Indigo Red Tulips GLAD TO SEE ME? by Magda Indigo Color Mixed Tulips Beautiful flower photography by Magda Indigo Belgian professional photographer Magda Indigo lives in Great Britain, she is recognized for her unique, beautiful flower photography, and she has more than 20 years of experience in it. She admits that photography is a way of life for her, so is for her husband, also a photographer Paul Indigo. “I like people, animals, nature and I’m always looking for ‘beauty’ in everything. Magda exhibited her fine art photographs in Belgium, Holland and England. Magda’s art works have been in private collections in Australia, France, USA, Canada, Holland, Belgium and the UK. Compiled by the frame professional Richard Chong Sohn 리처드 손재화 The Stylistics - Give A Little Love 8 Tracks You've Been My Inspiration 14 Tracks