리처드 2006.06.13 05:35:17 | 조회 : 4751
To J With Love
A Heavenly Rose For My Old Papa Sleep In Peace in the Heaven
A Dark Purple Rose For My Angela Sleep In Peace In My Heart
A White Rose For My Mom Sleep In Peace In the Heaven
Roses For my Mom in my country home
A Red Rose For My Younger Brother
Roses For My Two Elder Sisters
Pink White Roses For My Younger Sister
A Purple Rose for my new friend wishing it was you !
A Purple Rose for my new friend wishing it was you !
오늘도 이세상에 없는 푸른장미를 구하여 친구를 기쁘게 해주려고 장미여행을 서둘러 떠난다.
Surprise! Here's a Passionate Rose from my friend down in British Columbia, close to Vancouver, Canada !
Royal Red Roses For My Children
" A Farewell Journey For My Old Papa"
To You My Dearest,
I am happy to hear from you and send this beautiful card. From 23rd to 25th Feb. 2001, I was on a journey to Kyungju and Guryongpo in the East Coast of the Korean Peninsula. With my family, eleven in all, my 87-year-old Papa, Mom, three sisters and a brother, three brothers-in-law, my wife and I. First night, we stayed at Hanhwa Resort in Kyungju, second night, at 경북대학교수련원(sort of training center with facilities) in Guryongpo. We had a drive to Daebo - what they call the Cape of the Tiger's Tail(호미곶) you know. It was a stormy day, and the rough sea was like a permanent flag of human defeat. A kind of a 'Farewell Journey' 이별여행 for my old Papa, so I'm in pain and sadness. Since the New Year, Dad has lived with me and now he's gone to his country home with Mom... Yours ever, Richard June 13 Tue AM 2006
* 아내 *
혼자 밥을 먹을때 나는 아내에게 말을 건낸다. 당신은 콩나물 시루 나는 시루안의 작은 콩나물 콩... 사랑으로 물을 주면 콩은 싹이터서 콩나물이 된다. 콩나물은 자라서 작지만 세상을 밝히는 반찬이어라. 어둠속에 빛과 에너지가 온갖 바이타민과 영양소를 만들어 병든 부모와 자식을 살린다. 세상은 나의 부모 나의 자식이어라 아내는 형체가 없어도 천지만상 만물이어라 우주안에 내안에 있어라 My Love My Life...!
* Richard Life Wishes:
세상 모든 남편과 아내에게, 그리고 아들 딸들에게, The person never forgotten would never die forever. 잊혀지지 않는 사람은 영원히 살아있다" 는 말이 있죠 죽은 아내, 죽은 부모, 죽은 자식을 살리고 싶습니다. 부모, 자식, 배우자의 결혼기념일과 생일에는 잊지말고 장미 한송이, 아니 백만송이의 장미를 사 드리세요. 후회하지않는 사랑을 위하여~
Alla Pugacheva-1983 Million Roses
There once lived a painter, He had a house and his paintings. He was in love with an actress, And that actress loved flowers. Then he sold his house, Sold his paintings too And with that money he bought A whole sea of flowers.
* Million, million, Million of red roses From your window, from your window From your window you can see Who's in love, who's in love Who's crazy in love with you My whole life for you I will turn into flowers
In the morning you'll wake up at your window Maybe, you've lost your mind As if still in a dream Your whole yard is filled with flowers Suddenly your heart is turning cold Who's the rich baron doing this? Instead under the window, barely breathing The poor painter is standing
The meeting was short By night she left on a train But in her life she always remembered Song of the beautiful of roses The painter lived out his life alone Many pains he lived through But in his life he always had A whole sea of beautiful roses