화산 volcano

2021. 8. 25. 19:02카테고리 없음

Thank you for the music!

포르투갈 세테 시다데스 
아조레스에서 가장 큰 민물 호수인 이곳은 상미겔 섬의 화산 분화구에 있다. 
이 호수는 초록색과 파란색을 띠는 두 개의 석호가 만나 만들어졌으며 
바위투성이 언덕으로 둘러싸여 있다.

백두산 천지

백두산 천지

한라산 백록담

한라산 백록담

하와이 캘로우아이 화산

하와이 캘로우아이 화산

필리핀 따알 화산

Massive eruption of Philippines Taal Volcano imminent | DW News

Philippines High Alert (Aug 26, 2021) Taal Volcano Shoots Hot Ash 15 kilometers high

Taal Lake Volcano View 
from Tagaytay, Cavite, Philippines 
This is the place where I've been.
Taal is the lowest mountain volcano in the world, not far from Manila. 
You can see the top of Mt.Taar far in the distance surrounded 
by the Taal Lake, so it is literally called, VOLCANO in the Lake." 
You ride on horseback to the mountain top where you can see the volcano.
The crater is also a lake full of water shaped very much like Chunji or 
Bakrockdam. The size is different, far smaller than Chunji, but larger 
than Bakrockdam. In Some spots of the water is still boiling, the crater 
is all covered with steaming fog. You may probably see 
the Nature's mystery here.

Taal Beach 에는 방카라는 돗배가 줄지어 있다
Tagaytay tour 1998
저 필리핀 전통의 방카를 타고 따~알 호수를 건너
세계에서 가장 작은 활화산이 있다는 따이섬으로 갔습니다. 
말을 타고 산을 오르는데 중간 중간 유황넴세가 나는 수증기가 
피어오르고 정상에 있는 분화구에서는 군데 군데 물이 끓어 
안개가 자욱했습니다. 자연의 신비 그 자체였습니다. 
내려오면서 말등에서 바라보는 전망은 황홀하기 그지없고
말을 끄는 아이도 내려올뗀 등뒤에 달랑 올라타고 
"마간당 마간다!" 정말 아름답다! 라고 연신 외쳐댑니다. 
Magandang Maganda! 
- The Filippino language Tagalog in English,
"There are very many beautiful things in the world!" 
신기하지요? 단 두 단어로 세상은 아름다움 투성이다! 라구요
하 하 하.. 제 표현이 좀 서툴렀나요?
샬롬 & 마부하이! ^ ^* 

Adagio (Lara Fabian) 
I don't know where to find you
I don't know how to reach you
I hear your voice in the wind
I feel you under my skin
Within my heart and my soul
I wait for you
All of these nights without you
All of my dreams surround you
I see and I touch your face
I fall into your embrace
When the time is right I know
You'll be in my arms
I close my eyes and I find a way
No need for me to pray
I've walked so far
I've fought so hard
Nothing more to explain
I know all that remains
Is a piano that plays
If you know where to find me
If you know how to reach me
Before this light fades away
Before I run out of faith
Be the only man to say
That you'll hear my heart
That you'll give your life
Forever you'll stay
Don't let this light fade away
Don't let me run out of faith
Be the only man to say
That you believe, make me believe
You won't let go
Broken Vow
Tell me her name
I want to know
The way she looks
And where you go
I need to see her face
I need to understand
Why you and I came to an end
Tell me again
I want to hear
Who broke my faith in all these years
Who lays with you at night
While I'm here all alone
Remembering when I was your own
I let you go
I let you fly
Why do I keep on asking why
I let you go
Now that I found
A way to keep somehow
More than a broken vow
Tell me the words I never said
Show me the tears you never shed
Give me the touch
That one you promised to be mine
Or has it vanished for all time
I close my eyes
And dream of you and I
And then I realize
There's more to love than only bitterness and lies
I close my eyes
I'd give away my soul
To hold you once again
And never let this promise end

Celtic Woman "Isle of Innisfree"
I've met some folks 
Who say that I'm a dreamer
And I've no doubt 
There's truth in what they say 
But sure a body's bound to be a dreamer 
When all the things he loves are far away
And precious things 
Are dreams unto an exile 
They take him o'er 
The land across the sea 
Especially when it happens he's an exile 
From that dear lovely Isle of Inisfree 
And when the moonlight
Peeps across the rooftops 
Of this great city 
Wondrous though it be
I scarcly feel its wonder or laughter 
I'm once again back home in Inisfree 
I wonder o'er green hills
Through dreamy valleys
And find a peace
No other land would know
I hear the birds make music fit for angels
And watch the rivers laughing
As they flow
And then into a humble shack I wander
My dear old home
And tenderly behold
The folks I love
Around the turf fire gathered
on bended knee
Their rosary is told
But dreams don't last
Though dreams are not forgotten
And soon I'm back
To stern reality
But though they pave
The footways here with gold dust
I still would choose
My Isle of Inisfree 

The Lake Isle of Inisfree 
          -- William Butler Yeats(1865-1939)
I will arise and go now, and go to Inisfree, 
And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made; 
Nine bean rows will I have there, a hive for the honey bee, 
And live alone in the bee-loud glade.  
And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow, 
Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings; 
There midnight's all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow, 
And evening full of the linnet's wings. 
I will arise and go now, for always night and day 
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore; 
While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements gray, 
I hear it in the deep heart's core.