2022. 3. 2. 00:20ㆍ카테고리 없음
With all my heart ▷ Psalm 138:1-8 I love you
This quiet time with the Lord
I pour out my heart before your throne
There is nothing to hide from the all-knowing Lord
With all my heart and all my heart, I wish you
Even if you are worried about me, do you know what I will use?
Only let me seek Your face
Thank you even when you don't understand everything
I obey you every day and I will follow you
I love you with all my heart
I want to know you with all my heart
All of my life is yours,
I will serve you with all my heart
Psalm 138:1
1. I will give thanks to you with all my heart; I will praise you before the gods.
2. I worship toward thy temple, and for thy loving kindness and faithfulness
I give thanks to your name, for you have exalted your word above all your names.
3. On the day I prayed, you answered me; you encouraged and strengthened my soul.
4. The kings of the earth give thanks to you, O LORD, for they listen to your mouth.
5. They shall sing the way of the LORD, for the glory of the LORD is great.
6. The LORD, though he is on high, despises the lowly; he knows the proud from afar.
7. Though I walk in tribulation, you have revived me;
You will stretch out your hand to stop the wrath of my enemies; Your right hand will save me.
8, the LORD will make perfect what pertains to me.
O LORD, your mercy endures forever; do not forsake the work of your hands.
[다윗의 시]
1 내가 전심으로 주께 감사하며 신들 앞에서 주께 찬송하리이다
2 내가 주의 성전을 향하여 예배하며 주의 인자하심과 성실하심으로 말미암아 주의 이름에 감사하오리니
이는 주께서 주의 말씀을 주의 모든 이름보다 높게 하셨음이라
3 내가 간구하는 날에 주께서 응답하시고 내 영혼에 힘을 주어 나를 강하게 하셨나이다
4 여호와여 세상의 모든 왕들이 주께 감사할 것은 그들이 주의 입의 말씀을 들음이오며
5 그들이 여호와의 도를 노래할 것은 여호와의 영광이 크심이니이다
6 여호와께서는 높이 계셔도 낮은 자를 굽어살피시며 멀리서도 교만한 자를 아심이니이다
7 내가 환난 중에 다닐지라도 주께서 나를 살아나게 하시고 주의 손을 펴사
내 원수들의 분노를 막으시며 주의 오른손이 나를 구원하시리이다
8 여호와께서 나를 위하여 보상해 주시리이다 여호와여 주의 인자하심이 영원하오니
주의 손으로 지으신 것을 버리지 마옵소서.
자기를 돕는 이가 전능하신 분임을 기억하는 사람은 결코 절망을 모를 것이다.
- 드와이트 무디
Psalm 138 The Psalm Project
* 200 Tracks
Bette Midler - From A Distance (Lyrics) From a distance the world looks blue and green And the snow capped mountains, white From a distance the ocean meets the stream And the eagle takes to flight From a distance, there is harmony And it echoes through the land It's the voice of hope, its the voice of peace It's the voice of every man From a distance, we all have enough And no one is in need And there are no guns, no bombs, and no disease No hungry mouths to feed From a distance we are instruments Marching in the common band Playing songs of hope, playing songs of peace They're the songs of every man And god is watching us, God is watching us God is watching us from a distance From a distance You look like my friend even though we are at war From a distance I just cannot comprehend What all this fighting is for From a distance there is harmony And it echoes through the land And it's the hope of hopes, it's the love of loves It's the heart of every man Its the hope of hopes, its the love of loves This is the song of every man And God is watching us, God is watching us God is watching us, from a distance Oh God is watching us, God is watching us God is watching us from a distance